Two big announcements from titans GOOG and MSFT are getting tepid reactions from investors, bloggers, and other sources. They both announced interesting storage initiatives this week – items that certainly capture our attention here at ElephantDrive.

Microsoft announced a name change of its Live Folders product to SkyDrive, as well as a formal beta. Google opened up some new storage service – for a fee, you can get additional storage directly linked to their applications like Gmail, Google Apps, and Picasa. Since ElephantDrive offers more storage for less money than both, and because our software offers many more features and interfaces, neither of these are particularly exciting. Hopefully, they will both serve to highlight the growing improtance of storage services.

We welcome their entrance into this space, but we really wish they would take a cue from Amazon – the only web giant doing really innovative things with web services (especially S3) – and leverage their massive investments in hardware, bandwidth, and co-location facilities to offer a compelling and inexpensive raw storage service.

Useful coverage here:


And noticed later, but definitely interesting, here:

Dennis Howlett for zdNet on Google storage

Categories: General