Interesting post today from Robin Harris (one of the more smarter observers of the storage space) on the latest storage offering from Google mentioned in the last post…

To check it out, look here: Robin Harris on Storage Bits: Gdrive. With this trackback.

He seems baffled that as talented as the team a Google is, they aren’t really able to articulate a clear sense of what this product is and how it can be used. To us, it is relatively clear. Harris is spot on in his analysis that the “whole effort reads like a few engineers fiddling around until they got something inoffensive enough for a not-very-plugged-in committee to approve.” This is not their core business. Not even close. We aren’t surprised that it comes out this way.

As we have noted time and again, what would be great would be if Google would come out with a competitive offering to Amazon’s S3. They’d be leveraging what they really know well – how to build amazingly efficient and hugely scalable utilty systems, and would not have to do much to create enormous buzz in the development community. Moreover, instead of threatening to hurt the small companies in the storage space, they would actually be providing enormous value.

Think about Larry/Sergei…

Categories: General