
As I Was Saying..

I mentioned the Google Office Suite a while back–it’s now complete, but, both Google and Zoho manage to leave out one crucial (in my mind anyway) component to a new working suite of office applications: Read more…


Get In

The blip in here about the new LogMeIn for Mac highlights something that I’ve always appreciated about the storage at ElephantDrive: the ability to access my data from anywhere, at any time. This sort of Read more…



This article by Alex Iskold, coupled with a recent profile of 37signals in Time Magazine, all serve to sort of underscore what I was trying to get at with my last post about tools for Read more…


The Way We Live Now

Articles or lists like this one always leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Not that I have anything against Guitar Hero, or want to cast aspersions on Nintendo products, but, operating Read more…


Open to…backup failures?

So. This, featured in Read/WriteWeb today, looks pretty cool, though, I agree with a number of people in the comments section who point out that it is incredibly similar to Google Docs. One thing that Read more…


Do As They Say….Not As They Do

You’d assume that a magazine whose life revolves around Web 2.0 would, naturally, be savvy about backing up. But…you’d be a bit mistaken. All-nighters are fun, in a weird masochistic way, but, I still think Read more…



Last week, in the midst of the hellish torrential downpours that were gracing the east coast, I experienced a severe form of umbrella envy. My umbrella = red, cost me two dollars, purchased hastily in Read more…


Little. Yellow. Different.

Okay, so, ElephantDrive isn’t yellow, and it’s definitely not Nuprin, but, this article over at Techcrunch today manages to highlight its strengths, even as it sings the prasies of Amazon. The BusinessWeek article that is Read more…